Why Oxygen Is Good For You


Oxygen is a gas that’s essential to our survival. We breathe it in, and we breathe it out. It makes up 21% of Earth’s atmosphere, which is why it’s sometimes called “dioxygen.” Oxygen provides fuel for our cells and helps us communicate with others. It also keeps us alive! This element on the periodic table has many uses across various industries including medicine, engineering and even food production. In this blog post, I’ll discuss some (but not all) reasons why oxygen is good for you

Oxygen is required for us to breathe

Oxygen is a gas that we need to breathe in order to live. It’s vital for life, and it’s necessary for the growth of plants. Oxygen is also used in the body to produce energy and is a part of water molecules. This is the reason why oxygen therapy Sydney is really good for people that has injuries.

As you can see, oxygen is everywhere!

It provides fuel for our cells

The next time you find yourself feeling lethargic, give your cells some love. The food we eat is broken down into smaller molecules that can be used for energy. Cellular respiration is the process of converting food into ATP—the body’s main source of fuel. ATP powers our every action from breathing to thinking and moving around. It also provides the energy required for making RNA and DNA, as well as other important cellular components like proteins and lipids. These biochemical reactions are all powered by oxygen; without it, we’d quickly die!

It helps us communicate with others

If you’re like most people, you probably use oxygen every day in order to communicate with others. When we speak, our voices are generated by vibration of the vocal cords. These vibrations produce sound waves that travel through air and reach your ears as noise. In order to speak, we must first take a breath of air into our lungs; this is where oxygen comes in handy! The process by which your body takes in oxygen from the atmosphere and transports it through circulation throughout your body is called respiration.

The human voice requires a lot of energy—so much so that less than half of the energy used when speaking actually goes toward making sound; most goes toward producing vibrations within the larynx (the part of the throat where vocal cords are located). Vibrating air molecules vibrate against each other at approximately 220 times per second (Hz), causing them to create sound waves that travel outward from speakers’ mouths and ears alike .

When singers or speakers want their voices louder than normal levels they can use an instrument called an amplifier which increases volume by increasing pressure behind each individual sound wave produced by instruments such as guitars or drums etcetera.”

It’s an element on the periodic table

  • You know the periodic table of elements, right? That’s where oxygen is. It’s one of the nonmetals on it, along with hydrogen and helium.
  • You know that water is made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen? Yeah, those are two elements! Oxygen has an atomic number of 8, which means that it only exists in compounds as a diatomic molecule (two atoms held together).

Oxygen makes up 21% of Earth’s atmosphere.

Oxygen is a diatomic molecule, which means that it consists of two oxygen atoms bonded together. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless; you cannot see it with the naked eye or taste it on your tongue. Oxygen makes up 21% of Earth’s atmosphere, although this amount varies slightly depending on elevation and weather conditions. The human body requires oxygen to function properly — without it we would die within minutes!


It’s important to remember that oxygen is a necessity for life on Earth. Without it, we would not be able to breathe, and our cells would not be able to function properly. Oxygen does so much more than just help us breathe; it also helps us communicate with others, think clearly about complex problems, and stay healthy. So next time you’re feeling tired after running around in the heat all day without enough water or just feeling like taking a deep breath of fresh air, remember why it’s good for you! Check out the oxygen therapy from tsavowellness.com.au

How to Plan Your Kid’s Birthday Party at Home

Party Decoration

From setting dates, styling the venue, to finding the right food and dessert caterers the birthday function rooms Melbourne is perfect venue for your event. Turn your party room inside out, back to front and upside down! Anything you can alter so that it looks the wrong way will give the right impression! Turn chairs around so that they face the wall. Take photographs of the backs of your family’s heads, and put them in frames around the room. Instead of ornaments, stand bottles of ketchup, and salt & pepper shakers along the mantelpiece, and why not copy the spines of your books onto a sheet of card and tape it over the TV screen?

This is where you can really let your imagination run riot – the sillier, the better!

Party Costumes

On your backwards invites, tell guests to come to the party dressed the wrong way around! They can wear their shirts and trousers back to front, twist a baseball cap so that it’s facing the wrong way, and even make cardboard shoes to tie to their heels! How many other backwards clothing ideas can you think of? Glasses on the back of your head? Gloves on your feet? Or even underwear on the outside?

Superman would fit right in!

Party Games

Even the party games run the wrong way at this party! Award points before you start each activity, and take them away from the winners at the end!

BACKTRACKIN’. You’ll need access to a turntable to create the music for this game or, if you have a CD player with a line-out function, you could load the songs onto your computer, and use Windows Sound Recorder to change it around.

Split your guests into two teams, and give each group a pen and piece of paper. Now, play snippets of pop songs which are running backwards, and see if the players can guess what they are. Give clues to each song title by showing pictures of the artist, or giving your guests a choice of three possibilities. After each back to front song, give the kids a few seconds to confer, then write down their answer. They’ll be tapping their hands and clicking their toes!

REVERSE! A wrong way around game filled to the brim with giggles! Make a set of cards that give everyday tasks, such as eating breakfast, getting up, or ironing clothes.

Choose one player at a time, show them a card at random, and they then have one minute to act out the activity – backwards! For example, if they were getting up, they could start by pretending to get undressed, dirty their teeth, put on their pyjamas, climb into bed, and fall asleep. The other players would then have to guess what the activity was supposed to be! Keep playing until everyone has tried their hand at a mixed up mime. For even more fun, add two person activities such as delivering a wardrobe, or buying a box of cornflakes. Barmy and backwards!

WRAP THE PARCEL. I tend to steer clear of traditional party games, as kids have played them over and over again – but this was too good to miss!

Players sit in a circle, with one kid holding a prize. In the centre of the circle lie several sheets of wrapping paper. When the game starts, the guests pass the prize around from one person to the next in complete silence. After a while, play a music CD – this is the cue for the person currently holding the prize to grab a sheet of paper, and wrap the gift inside it! Stop the music, and the partially wrapped prize is passed around the circle again! Keep playing until all of the wrapping paper has been used up. The winner is the person to add the final sheet. They get to keep the prize – and all the paper!

Party Food

Can food be backwards? Eating the wrong way around sounds like a messy business – but try these twisted treats that’ll have your guests rubbing their backs with satisfaction!

SILLY SANDWICHES! Why not serve sandwiches with the fillings on the outside?

Put a piece of bread in between two slices of ham, or slide a cracker into the middle of a couple of cheese slices! This is one party where jam sandwiches would be best forgotten!

CRAZY CUTLERY. Not so much a food idea, but a way to serve it! Try eating idiotic ice cream with a knife and fork, or hand out glasses of cake for your guests to enjoy!

Party Bags

As the party comes to an end (or should that be a start?), hand out party bags with the gifts on the outside! Tape pens, pencils and toys to the outside of your gift bags, and leave the inside completely empty. You’ll have them coming back for more! Or is that forward for less? Or should it be…

We offers kids party entertainment for bay area residents. we’ve performed thousands of shows over the past fifteen years. Our kids party entertainment area unit equally fun for kids birthday party as they’re for the oldsters and different guests.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joe_Boujja/136745

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5867620

Cooking Tips And Tricks To Create Amazing Meals At Home

Cooking is a tough trick to master. This article will have you learn to make high quality meals. The Asian restaurants Southbank that deceivingly sounds like a seafood spot, actually serves delicious Asian-inspired food.

If you want to start cooking more, try the library for cookbooks that offer a variety of easy recipes that will be fun to prepare. Try some recipes until you come up with something that works for you.

Always keep your spices stored in a cool place.Using fresher spices can make your food taste better.

Many use a good number of apples for baking and cooking throughout fall and winter, but if improperly stored, they will no longer be usable. Apples tend to rot in warm dry air, make sure you store them in the fridge or in a cool place. One rotten apple can actually spoil the whole bag so keep a close eye on them while stored.

If your burgers seem to be sticking to the surface of your grill, it will be difficult to flip them without mangling them in the process. Try brushing a thin coating of vegetable oil on the cooking surface prior to cooking so that food from sticking.

Beans and tofu are great sources of protein if you may not have yet considered adding to your diet. Both of these protein-rich foods are readily available at most grocery stores. Try frying tofu with some interesting seasonings and you will have a tasty alternative to meat. Beans boiled with herbs for a flavorful source of protein.

This will allow your food the maximum amount of flavor possible.

Always measure the amount of cooking oil! This will help you lower the fat is present in your cooking.This helps you to better monitor the amount of oil you want to use.

Always select fresh garlic for it. A rule of thumb is that fresh garlic will have a sweet taste to it. You can recognize fresh garlic has firm skin and lack of bruises.

Don’t cook with wines that you wouldn’t drink regularly. You could try wine that is specifically formulated for use in cooking.

Make sure you thoroughly clean your utensils are cleaned prior to cooking. Any residual food matter missed during washing can spoil the dish you plan on cooking next. This can allow harmful bacteria.

To avoid mistakes like burning your food while you are cooking, stay organized. Having all your kitchen tools handy and organized will help you are productive when cooking. If you are unorganized, you will start to forget what you buy and that will make you spend too much money that could have been spent on something you would have eaten.

Add plenty of salt to your water for cooking pasta. This will help season the pasta while it is boiling. Salting pasta will not have the same effect.

Set aside about one-fourth cup. When you are getting ready to mix the pasta and sauce together, add in the water before tossing or topping the pasta. The pasta water’s starch adds a “creaminess” to the sauce and make it creamier.

This adds flavor to the herbs while also keeping them from sliding off the cutting board. Do not add any extra salt to the dish you are making to prevent over-salting. The salt that is used on the board gives your herbs and add a bit of flavor.

If you plan on using your barbecue, it’s a good idea to prepare your grill beforehand so that it’s already ready for you when you need it. The charcoal will need to burn about 30 minutes before it is used for cooking. The coals need to be around medium heat should be moderate and covered in ash. This is the best temperature to begin grilling your food.

A meat thermometer should be used to ensure that meat has been thoroughly cooked. All of the different meats require a certain internal temperature that is recommended for it to be safe to eat. Bacteria flourish on the meats, it could cause you to become sick.

Try not over or under cook it. The time recommended on the box or in a recipe is a guide to be used with caution, because many factors, such as high altitudes, can impact the finished product. A better way is to test the cake by inserting a cake is finished is by sticking a toothpick into the center of the cake. If it removes cleanly, the cake is done; if batter comes out with it, it needs longer to bake.

You could also simply add bouillon cubes to the water that you are using. This gives the food while adding another level to the taste profile.

A stir-fry is a great way to cook up bits and pieces of leftover vegetables in your refrigerator is to make some fried rice. Fry your vegetables and chopped meat in vegetable oil, add your rice and then season it with ginger, ginger, garlic and other spices of your choice.

Dark leafy greens can be considered a pain to prepare, they are difficult to clean prior to eating. Taking out the tough stems can be tiresome and time-consuming. Make it easy by folding the leaf and then break out the stem. You could also slice the stem from the folded leaf with a knife.

Cooking is something that you can always improve, especially if you apply the tips provided. You have the information that you need to improve. All that you need to do is start applying it! Your cooking will turn out to be better tasting and people will enjoy that.